Restorative Dentistry from Premier Family Dental

October 7, 2013

restorative dentistrySometimes despite our best efforts, our smiles can become damaged and worn. Whether the damage is cause by age, decay or trauma, there’s no need to just accept it as part of life. At Premier Family Dental, we offer a variety of restorative dentistry our-services to restore our patient’s smiles.

We offer a variety of restorative dentistry treatments to help restore and repair a number of smile problems. If you’re missing teeth, have damaged or decayed teeth, or are suffering from a root canal infection, we can help you. The our-services we offer include the following:

  • Crowns and fillings
  • Root canal therapy
  • Dental implants
  • Dentures and partials

Dr. Cofer, Jr. will start by inspecting your smile to determine all smile issues and concerns. He will then come up with a custom treatment plan to address all issues and leave you with a healthy smile. If you’re interested in seeing how we can repair damage and restore health to your smile, please give us a call today. Restorative dentistry is an important part of our practice and we’d love to use our skills and experience to help transform your smile. No one deserves to have a smile that is less than complete.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Dentures and Partials for a Complete Smile in Waco

September 30, 2013

dentures and partialsIf you’re missing numerous teeth, or even all of them, there’s no need to despair. Your smile can be repaired with dentures and partials. At Premier Family Dental, we can replace your missing teeth to give you a smile that will function correctly once again.

Patients that have lost teeth quickly understand the importance of a complete smile. Without a full set of teeth, it becomes hard to eat or speak regularly. Also, you’ll find yourself wanting to hide your smile from the world. There’s no need to be ashamed or suffer in silence. We can use dentures and partials to complete your smile once again.

Dr. Cofer, Jr. will inspect your smile and create a custom denture solution just for you. If you’re missing all or nearly all of your teeth, dentures are a great solution. If you’re missing a number of teeth in a row, then we can replace those with a partial denture that will be secured by attaching it to the surrounding healthy teeth. We can replace and restore all smiles, so that all of our patients will have complete smiles once again. Please give us a call to learn more or to schedule your initial consultation.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Crown Restorations for a Stronger Smile

September 5, 2013

crown restorationDo you have a tooth that has sustained a lot of damage from decay or a cavity? At Premier Family Dental we can help restore the health of your smile with a crown restoration. A crown is like a cap for your tooth that fits over it to help protect against further damage or decay.

Crowns are a good choice to repair a tooth that is damaged beyond what a filling can fix. We will custom craft your crown to fit over your tooth and blend in with the rest of your smile. Decay and damage can weaken a tooth and leave it more vulnerable to further problems. The crown will strengthen your tooth and help your smile function properly once again.

We offer both porcelain and metal crowns to provide a variety of smile options. Porcelain crowns are popular because they match the appearance of your other teeth more closely for a subtle smile solution. If crowns are the right solution for your smile, the entire procedure will take two dental visits so we can examine your smile, have your crown milled and affix it to your tooth.

If you have a tooth that’s affected by decay or damage, give us a call today. We can help restore and strengthen it with a crown restoration. A smile can’t function properly as a whole unless all of the individual teeth are healthy and strong.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Periodontal Care in Waco

May 23, 2013

It’s important to visit us for a dental check up every six months for a variety of reasons. Gum disease is a serious health concern and is virtually symptomless. When you come in for your checkup, we’ll check you for signs of this serious infection.

Gum disease is an infection caused by a buildup of tartar on your teeth. The tartar irritates the gums, and they become infected. Over time, the gum tissue will begin to recede. Your tooth will gradually loosen and eventually fall out. Since this infection is basically symptomless, it’s important that you visit us regularly so we can inspect your smile. One of the few symptoms is bleeding gums, so if you’re experiencing this then please call our office.

If you do have gum disease, we can provide periodontal care to restore the health of your teeth and gums, and keep the infection from spreading throughout your body. If left untreated, you’re putting yourself at risk for losing a tooth.

Gum disease is a serious dental health concern, but you’re not alone. We are here to help with periodontal care to stop the infection and ensure that all our patients have healthy smiles.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Restore Your Smile with Composite Fillings

March 28, 2013

If you have a cavity, it is important to get it repaired as soon as possible, before the damage is allowed to spread. Fillings are a great way to repair and restore your tooth. Cavities are a common dental concern. Even with good brushing and flossing habits, it’s still easy to miss a spot, allowing plaque to grow and cause a cavity.

At Premier Family Dental, we offer composite fillings. This is the preferred way to perform fillings because it gives a more pleasing appearance. Composite materials are tooth-colored so no one will be able to tell you’ve had any dental work. The decayed portion of your tooth will be removed and filled, leaving you with a tooth that is strong and full functional.

Also, composite fillings are preferable to the traditional silver amalgam option, both for appearance and for health concerns. If you’re concerned about the risk of mercury from amalgam fillings, then composite fillings are a great option for your smile.

If you have a cavity, a composite filling is a great solution. Your tooth will be healthy once again, and since the composite will be matched to the color of your natural teeth, no one will be able to tell that you had any work done at all. Call us today to schedule an appointment and see how simple it can be to repair your smile.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Crowns from Premier Family Dental

February 14, 2013

Despite our best efforts, our teeth are subject to damage and decay. Fillings are a great solution to these dental issues for many cases. If the damage or decay is more extensive, then a crown from Premier Family Dental could be a better solution.

Crowns are like a cap for your teeth. They can be made of several materials, with porcelain being a popular choice because it more closely resembles natural teeth. They cover over a damaged or decayed tooth to help protect it from damage and to restore the strength and health of the tooth.

If you have any of the following dental issues or concerns, you should consider getting a crown:

  • A broken tooth
  • Extensive decay
  • Fractured filling
  • You’ve had root canal therapy
  • You want to improve the appearance of your teeth

Your crown will be custom made so it will fit well and resemble your natural teeth. It will take about two visits for the procedure to be complete because of the time required to make your crown.

If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, a crown could be a great way to restore the health of your tooth. Call us today to learn more and set up a consultation with Dr. Cofer.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Root Canal Therapy From Dr. Cofer, Jr.

January 21, 2013

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 5:50 pm

If you have a toothache, your primary concern will be to stop the pain. Oftentimes, a toothache is a sign of an infection in your tooth, so the pain won’t just stop on its own. If you have a persistent or painful toothache, call us at Premier Family Dental because you may need root canal therapy.

The inside of your tooth is called the pulp, and within this is the root canal. When decay or disease works its way through your tooth into the inside, your root canal will become infected. Some of the symptoms include a toothache or tooth pain and sensitivity.

Root canal therapy is the best way to treat an infection in your tooth. We will drill into your tooth, remove the infected pulp from your tooth, fill it and seal it with a crown to prevent further infection. While many people think that root canal therapy is painful, this is a common misconception. Usually the most pain you will feel comes from the toothache that leads you into our office to diagnose the infection. Plus, you will be numbed during the procedure.

If you think root canal therapy might be right for you or you want to learn more, call us today. This is a great way to help restore your tooth and alleviate the pain and discomfort. Dr. Rick E. Cofer, Jr. performs hundreds of root canal therapy procedures each year and wants to put his experience to work for you.

At Premier Family Dental, Dr. Rick E. Cofer, Jr. and our staff provide quality affordable dental care. Our Waco dental office serves patients from Lorena, Robinson, Hewett and the surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule an appointment!

Repair the Beauty of Your Smile with Partial Dentures

January 14, 2013

In our last blog post, we discussed full dentures and how they could benefit patients who’ve lost a full set of teeth to extraction or other causes. What about those of you who’ve lost only a few or some of your natural teeth, though? You don’t want to let go of the teeth you were born with just to fit a set of full dentures, but it’s also not fair for you to be deprived of a beautiful and lasting smile. Dental implants are an option, but not everyone is an appropriate candidate for the treatment, and they aren’t always the most affordable choice. Dr. Cofer and his team at Premier Family Dental here in Waco, Texas understand your frustration, and have a solution: partial dentures. You can now enjoy all the comfort and ease of dentures while still being able to enjoy and show off your natural teeth too. What could be better?

A partial denture, or bridge, usually is made of replacement teeth connected to a gum-colored base, which is connected by metal framework that holds the denture in place your mouth. Unlike full dentures, which are held in place by natural suction, a partial denture is clipped to remaining teeth. You can be assured that Dr. Cofer will create partial dentures for you that are both natural-looking and a beautiful match for your facial structure.

Better yet, partial dentures have an added benefit. Not only will they fill in the spaces that are missing teeth, making your smile full and beautiful again, they’ll also keep your remaining teeth from shifting out of place, which will save you a headache from having to schedule another procedure.

The team at Premier Family Dental wants to give you something to smile about. You can learn more about partial dentures and some of the other restorative treatments we offer, such as dental implants, here at our website, or you can feel free to go ahead and give us a call today to schedule an appointment. Premier Family Dental proudly serves not only the Waco area, but also Lorena, Robinson, Hewett, and surrounding towns.

Show Off Your Smile Again with Full Dentures

December 31, 2012

Missing teeth can be a daily embarrassment, especially when you find yourself faced with an overwhelming number of gaps. You want to smile and laugh with the people around you, but you can’t help but worry about what they’ll think when you open your mouth.  Don’t worry – Dr. Cofer and his team at Premier Family Dental are here to help with full dentures, a comfortable and affordable solution to a mouth of missing teeth. At our Waco, Texas office, we can create long-lasting dentures from biocompatible materials for a natural, beautiful look you’ll be thrilled to share with the world.

Making Your Life Easier, One Smile at a Time

Basic actions like eating or speaking don’t seem too hard – but once you find yourself without teeth, they can be a constant challenge. What’s worse is that facial muscles can begin to sag, making you look older. Full dentures can eliminate all of these problems for you, allowing you to partake in activities and outings that may have once seemed too challenging. Dr. Cofer will be happy to create a set of full dentures that both fit comfortably in your mouth and closely resemble your natural teeth. Full dentures may even improve the look of your smile!

In addition, full dentures are removable, unlike dental implants. They include a layer of soft tissue designed to look like gums, as well as the replacement teeth. They stay in place with the help of natural suction, and can be easily rinsed and cleaned once taken out of the mouth.

Are you ready for an affordable and comfortable option that will hide cover up those missing teeth with a brand-new, beautiful look? The team at Premier Family Dental wants to give you something to smile about. You can learn more about dentures and some of the other restorative treatments we offer, such as dental implants, here at our website, or you can feel free to go ahead and give us a call today to schedule an appointment. Premier Family Dental proudly serves not only the Waco area, but also Lorena, Robinson, Hewett, and surrounding towns.

Complete Dental Implant Procedures under One Roof

July 30, 2012

Dental implants are one of the most popular and effective restorative dentistry our-services currently available. As much as that might be the case, though, not every dentist who offers dental implants can complete your entire procedure in their own office. But at Premier Family Dental in Waco, Dr. Rick Cofer can complete your entire dental implants procedure under one roof, without referring you to another doctor.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a restorative dentistry option for patients who need to replace one or more teeth. That makes them similar to traditional options, like bridges, partials, and full dentures, but implants also do something these others don’t—besides replacing your missing teeth, dental implants also replace your missing tooth roots.

That’s a key difference. By replacing your missing tooth roots, dental implants can help you prevent bone loss in your jaw. As a result, you end up with a strong, supportive smile that feels absolutely natural, something traditional bridges, partials, and full dentures can’t do.

The Dental Implants Process

There are two phases to the dental implants process. The first phase—placement—involves Dr. Cofer placing one or more implants in your jaw. Unlike other dentists, Dr. Cofer can do this right in his Waco office, using his 192-plus hours of study to back him up.

The second phase of the process—restoration—involves the attachment of your new crown, bridge, or denture. As with the placement phase, Dr. Cofer and his team can complete this aspect under our own roof, without need to refer you to another doctor.

Are you ready to find out more about dental implants? Dr. Cofer would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Call Premier Family Dental today to schedule your appointment. We serve patients from Waco, Lorena, Robinson, Hewett, and surrounding towns.

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