Premier Family Dental Blog

Dental Truths: 4 Myths About Implants Debunked

August 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 6:10 pm
Jenga pieces that say "Facts vs Myths" on a tweed cloth

Many experts consider dental implants the ideal way to replace missing teeth because of their unique advantages. They’re the only restorations embedded directly into your jawbone, so they tend to be more resilient and long-lasting than alternatives like dental bridges and dentures.

Despite this, many patients opt for a different treatment because they’re functioning under a misconception they’ve learned about these remarkable artificial teeth. Below, we’ve debunked four common myths so you can make a well-informed decision about how to refurbish your grin. Keep reading to learn more!


4 Bite Problems Invisalign Can Fix

June 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 8:33 pm
person correcting bite problems with Invisalign

Invisalign is a popular choice for straightening teeth and closing gaps without the need for traditional metal braces. It provides a discreet way to enhance your smile while also addressing various bite issues for improved oral health. Beyond its aesthetic advantages, Invisalign effectively resolves different bite problems. Keep reading to discover how Invisalign can correct four common bite issues and help you achieve a healthier, more aligned smile.


New Year, Better Oral Health: 4 Dental Resolutions

December 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 4:01 pm
a person making a list titled "2024 Goals"

The New Year is the perfect time to refresh your life goals and reflect on what you would like to change. Whether that’s how you respond to certain situations, your diet and exercise, or your dental health. Very few people set resolutions having to do with their oral health because they aren’t aware of just how much common issues like gum disease and cavities can impact your overall wellbeing. However, maintaining a healthy, problem-free smile is not only going to help you save money from unexpected dental visits, but also improve your overall wellness. Read on for four dental-related resolutions you can implement in 2024.


5 Popular Holiday Foods and Drinks That Can Hurt Your Teeth

November 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 11:40 pm
assorted holiday desserts

As the holiday season approaches, the anticipation of indulging in sugary, fatty, and carb-heavy delights becomes a familiar sentiment. While these treats are renowned for their impact on overall health, it’s imperative to acknowledge their potential harm to dental well-being. In this guide, we shed light on five holiday foods and drinks that should be approached with caution or enjoyed in moderation. Understanding their impact can help safeguard your teeth from potential damage during this festive season.


October Is Dental Hygiene Month! Celebrate With These Excellent Oral Health Habits

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 11:43 pm

October is the season when we embrace all things spooky and indulge in all sorts of sugary confections. While dentists love a good scare just as much as everyone else, the staggering heaps of sweet treats consumed every year can be a cause for alarm. Thankfully, October is Dental Hygiene Month, which makes it a great time of year for everyone to brush up on their oral care habits! Here are three ways you can protect your teeth from the sugar monsters that would love to eat them!


How Long Does It Take to Get Dentures?

September 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 7:48 pm

Close up of woman’s hands holding upper and lower dentureIf you’re ready to invest in a beautiful, functional smile with dentures, you’re making a great decision. However, the process of replacing your missing teeth won’t happen in one day. It requires a multi-step treatment plan to ensure comfortable, natural-looking results. Here’s what you can expect each step of the way.


3 Minimally Invasive Methods to Perfect Your Smile

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 4:33 pm
Blond woman in gray sweater sitting in blue dental chair holding a mirror smiling at her reflection with a dentist sitting next to her

Cosmetic dentistry has gained popularity over the past few decades as more people realize their ideal smiles are attainable. There are still many patients, however, who avoid the dentist altogether because of anxiety about dental procedures. Fortunately, many dentists today offer minimally invasive treatment options so that you can still have the perfect pearly whites you’ve dreamed of. Continue reading to learn about 3 ways cosmetic dentistry can help without any need for invasive surgeries!


Don’t Feel Embarrassed to Get Dental Implants – Here’s Why!

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 12:36 am
Woman with dental implant

Has your dentist suggested that you replace your tooth with a dental implant? If the damage to your tooth is beyond repair, an extraction could be the only way to address it. Fortunately, losing a tooth doesn’t mean that you will be left with a gap in your smile forever. Dental implants can replace the entirety of your tooth. Here’s why you shouldn’t be embarrassed to get a dental implant.


Uses for Sedation Dentistry That Have Nothing to Do with Anxiety

June 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 4:34 pm
Patient receiving nitrous oxide sedation

Dental sedation is often recommended for people who are anxious at the dentist’s office. If you’re someone who struggles to make it to the dentist for the care that you need, it can make it considerably easier to get comfortable.

However, there are other reasons why you may be interested in sedation dentistry, some of which have nothing to do with anxiety. Here are some uses for it that you may not have previously considered. 


Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Before Vacation

June 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 3:13 pm
Man in a pink shirt and sunglasses pointing to his smile.

Summertime is here and you have been eagerly awaiting your family vacation! Your itinerary is set, but did you include a visit to the dentist in your timeline? Though you might initially want to push it off until after break, there are several reasons to schedule an appointment for comprehensive care before you leave. Continue reading to learn more!

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