Invisalign — Waco, TX

Discreetly Transform Your Smile with Invisalign

Young girl smiling with straight teeth thanks to Invisalign in Waco

If you’ve been struggling with unsightly gaps in your teeth or general misalignment in your smile, an outstanding orthodontic option could make a difference in how others perceive you. At Premier Family Dental, Dr. Cofer enjoys providing his patients with treatment choices that can dramatically improve the look of their teeth smoothly and simply; that’s where Invisalign comes in! With the help of this transformative option, you can achieve the awesome smile you’ve always dreamed of for a fraction of the time as traditional braces. Call us today to see if you could benefit from Invisalign in Waco!

Young woman with glasses staring off into the distance

Why Choose Premier Family Dental for Invisalign?

  • Convenient, Removable Clear Aligners
  • Experienced, Knowledgeable Dentist
  • Dental Team That Doesn’t Cut Corners

What Is the Process of Invisalign?

Dentist fitting a patient with Invisalign clear aligners in Waco

The Invisalign process is simple enough – after our team has taken precise measurements of your teeth and sent the information off to the Invisalign lab, you’ll receive a set of clear aligners, which each need to be worn for a predetermined amount of time before you switch to the next one in the set. They represent different stages of movement as your teeth slowly form your ideal alignment, and you’ll start to see results after wearing each set. Attending brief, periodic checkups with Dr. Cofer is also important so that our team can ensure that you’re progressing smoothly.

How Does Invisalign Work?

smiling woman holding Invisalign clear aligner

Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners to gradually improve the appearance and function of a person’s smile. Each new set of aligners is custom designed to fit perfectly in your mouth and apply gentle, consistent pressure to gradually straighten crooked, misaligned, or gapped teeth.

Unlike traditional braces that use highly visible metal brackets and wires, Invisalign’s transparent design enables you to discreetly straighten your teeth. In fact, Invisalign aligners are so subtle that your friends, family, and coworkers will likely not even notice that you are wearing an orthodontic appliance!

How Do I Care for My Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign aligners in red and gray storage case

Keeping your Invisalign aligners clean is important to prevent tooth decay, gum inflammation, and other oral health problems from developing during treatment. Fortunately, cleaning your aligners is easy to do! Here are a few simple hygiene tips to follow when using Invisalign:

  • Always remove your Invisalign aligners when eating or drinking to avoid damaging them. Damaged aligners can delay your treatment and increase costs if you end up needing a replacement set.
  • Always brush your teeth after eating and before placing your Invisalign aligners back in your mouth. Otherwise, tiny food particles can become stuck between your teeth and the aligners and ultimately contribute to cavities.
  • Brush your aligners once a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush, non-abrasive toothpaste, and cool water to keep them clean. Never use hot water, as this can warp the plastic aligners.

Benefits of Invisalign

Close up of smile with Invisalign aligner over the teeth

Today, there’s more than one way to achieve the gorgeous smile you’ve always wanted. In fact, there’s more than one way to straighten your teeth! If you’re currently in the process of trying to decide if Invisalign is right for you, then keep reading to learn a few of the many benefits of choosing clear aligners.

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There Aren’t Any Metal Brackets or Wires

Man in white shirt smiling outside

When talking about metal brackets and wires, people often discuss their noticeable appearance. However, they are usually quite uncomfortable as well, especially in the first few weeks or months of orthodontic treatment. One of the biggest perks of Invisalign is that the aligners aren’t crafted using any metal. Instead, they are made from smooth, low-profile, and high-quality plastic, which means you won’t experience any uncomfortable soft tissue irritation.

The Aligners Are Virtually Undetectable

Smiling patient holding clear aligner

Of course, one of the most-known perks of Invisalign is that the aligners are virtually undetectable. That’s because they are made to fit your teeth perfectly, and they are crafted from see-through plastic that makes them blend in seamlessly.

Note: To keep your trays clear, you need to take good care of them! So, make sure to adopt good habits, like brushing your teeth and your aligners after each meal.

You Don’t Need to Make Any Changes to Your Diet

Woman enjoying yogurt

One downside of traditional braces is that they come with dietary restrictions, which can be frustrating and inconvenient at times. Invisalign, on the other hand, doesn’t require you to alter what you eat in any way. Just make sure not to go overboard on foods and drinks with added sugar to help keep your teeth and gums healthy throughout your orthodontic treatment!

Brushing and Flossing Your Teeth Is Easy

Patient rinsing clear aligner in sink

Another perk of Invisalign is that completing your oral hygiene regimen is easy; just take your aligners off first! After brushing for two full minutes, flossing between each tooth, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash for 30-60 seconds, clean your aligners and put them back in. This routine will help ensure your oral health and trays stay in pristine condition.

Shorter Average Treatment Timeline

Man smiling with dentist holding clear aligner

Typically, traditional braces take anywhere from 24-36 months to deliver results. Conversely, the average Invisalign timeline is only 12-18 months. So, if you want straight teeth sooner rather than later, there’s a good chance clear aligner treatment is the solution you’ve been looking for! Give us a call today so we can determine if you’re a candidate and, if you are, provide you with an estimate of your treatment timeline.

Quick Follow-Up Appointments

Dentist showing patient how to put on clear aligner

Since you’ll be given several sets of aligners at once, you won’t have to come in every month for check-in visits. In fact, most patients only come in every 6-8 weeks. While that’s a benefit on its own, it’s also worth noting that the appointments are usually pretty short as well. If your teeth are moving as anticipated, yours may be only 15 minutes!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Usually, more complicated or severe bite problems require traditional braces. That said, Invisalign is an excellent solution for most adults and teenagers who are unhappy with their smile due to mild to moderate cases of the following orthodontic conditions:

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Crowded Teeth

Crowded teeth can certainly take a toll on your self-esteem. However, that’s not the only reason patients with this orthodontic issue are encouraged to schedule a consultation. Turns out, it can also negatively impact your oral health as well as your chewing and speaking patterns. The good news is that Invisalign can gently and discreetly guide your teeth into proper alignment, improving the look, health, and function of your smile in the process.

Gaps Between Teeth

Do you have one large gap between your two front teeth? Are there several noticeable spaces throughout your smile? Either way, it’s important to explore your orthodontic treatment options before an oral health problem, like gum disease, develops. If we determine at your consultation that you’re a candidate for Invisalign, then we will create a custom treatment plan designed to gradually guide your teeth from where they are now to where they should be – all without noticeable, metal braces.


If your upper teeth protrude beyond your lower teeth more than they should, you might have an overbite. One common concern with this orthodontic problem is trouble enunciating clearly, but it can also lead to premature wear and tear as well as chronic jaw pain. Fortunately, Invisalign has proven to be effective at addressing mild to moderate cases. Sometimes, this requires the use of rubber bands and other orthodontic accessories, but don’t worry – they aren’t noticeable like traditional braces are.


If all of your lower teeth sit in front of your upper ones, then you likely have an underbite. In addition to persistent jaw pain and an increased risk of TMJ dysfunction, we recommend having this orthodontic problem addressed because it can take a toll on the look, health, and function of your smile as well. So, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with us to find out if you’re a candidate for Invisalign. If you are, then we will begin the process of discreetly bringing your bite into proper alignment.


In short, a crossbite is when some – but not all – of your lower teeth sit in front of your top teeth. As you may have guessed, chronic jaw pain and premature wear and tear on your teeth are both concerns. Plus, there’s an increased risk of dental damage, like chips, fractures, and cracks. That’s why it’s best to explore your orthodontic treatment options sooner rather than later! If you’re a candidate for Invisalign, then the treatment process will involve clear, comfortable aligners instead of noticeable, metal brackets.

Open Bite

Your teeth should come together evenly when you bite down. If they don’t because there is space in the front or back of your mouth, then you might have an open bite. Whether yours is the result of genetics or a childhood habit, like thumb-sucking, it’s important to have it fixed. The first step? Scheduling a consultation with our team!

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while working on laptop at home

During the research process, it’s important to look into what your day-to-day life with Invisalign will actually look like. For example, does your oral hygiene regimen need to change? Are there certain foods you need to eliminate from your diet? How much time do you need to commit to follow-up appointments? Don’t worry – you will find the answers to these questions right here!

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Wearing Your Trays

Man smiling with crossed arms outside building

There’s one rule: you need to wear your aligners for 20+ hours a day. That’s because, in order to stay on-track with your treatment plan, you need to wear them for the large majority of the day. The best thing to do is create a schedule/routine with the help of the stopwatch on your phone and stick to it! It’s also important to only take your aligners out when it’s absolutely necessary, like before eating a meal or snack.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient rinsing aligners in sink

Fortunately, cleaning your aligners won’t take much of your time. Plus, you only need clean, cool water and a soft-bristled toothbrush! Your Invisalign welcome kit will also come with a few packets of cleaning crystals, which you can use on an as-needed basis to give your aligners a deeper clean.

Note: Some patients use a clear, mild dishwashing liquid to clean their aligners too. However, not every household cleaner is suitable, so make sure to touch base with us before using something new.

Eating & Drinking

Woman smiling while eating salad at home

Since Invisalign aligners are removable, eating and drinking will be a breeze! It’s important that we mention here, however, that your diet does impact your oral health, and your oral health impacts your teeth straightening journey. So, do your best to eat a well-balanced diet that’s high in nutrient-dense foods and low in added sugar. You should also exercise caution with extremely crunchy, hard, and sticky foods since they can cause an attachment to come loose.

Damaging a Tray

Man smiling while talking on phone at home

Cleaning your aligners over a soft towel and storing them in their designated case when you’re not wearing them will go a long way in protecting them. That said, accidents happen! If you find yourself with a broken tray, give us a call right away. Over the phone, we can learn more about your situation, including how extensive the damage is, and determine if a replacement needs to be made.

Routine Check-Ins

Dentist and patient talking in dental office

One perk of Invisalign is that you’re able to progress through portions of your treatment plan at home. So, instead of coming to our office every four weeks, you’ll come to our office every six or eight weeks! These visits are usually quite short too (about 15 minutes). As always, there are some exceptions, including if your teeth aren’t moving as anticipated. If that’s the case, then we will need to find out why that is and make the necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

Dental team member showing a clipboard to a patient

For patients who aren’t eager to show off metal brackets and wires when they smile, Invisalign is an excellent option. To find out how much your Invisalign treatment will cost, you will need to schedule a consultation with us. At this time, your dentist will examine your smile, formulate a treatment plan, and provide a clear estimate as to how much the cost of Invisalign will be. In the meantime, here are some things to consider.

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Dental team member showing a pamphlet to two patients

The cost of your Invisalign treatment will vary depending on several different factors. Here are some of the most prominent:

  • Number of Arches: Most people who undergo Invisalign will have both their upper and lower arches addressed. However, in some cases, only one arch needs to be corrected. In this situation, the cost is lower.
  • Complexity: If you have severe alignment issues, your treatment is likely to cost more. Closing a few small gaps is cheaper than correcting a significant bite problem.
  • Treatment Length: A longer treatment time means additional aligners and a higher cost.


Teenage girl with glasses holding Invisalign clear aligner

When patients are looking for a “quick fix,” lower budget options, like Smile Direct Club™, may seem tempting, but a lower cost doesn’t necessarily mean that it is the best option. While the price is generally lower than Invisalign, Smile Direct Club™ has a “do-it-yourself” approach with little to no oversight from a dental professional. This means additional room for error, and you could even end up with serious issues that need to be treated by a dental professional anyway.

When you opt for Invisalign, you have the trusted oversight of our dentists for each step along the way. Invisalign is professionally made, uses highly accurate impressions, and results in a more successful treatment. The cost difference is worth it for a smooth, stress-free orthodontic treatment.


Dental team member discussing dental insurance with a patient

Some dental insurance plans include coverage for orthodontic treatment, so you should check with your provider to see if this is the case for you. At Premier Family Dental, we accept virtually all major PPO dental insurance plans. We’re happy to file claims on your behalf to maximize your available benefits.


Smiling young woman winking and giving thumbs up in dental chair

If you don’t have dental insurance, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be left completely on your own. We have a dental membership plan that can help you save on treatments completed at our practice. We also work with CareCredit and Compassionate Finance. Both options can break down your overall cost into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest attached. Talk to one of our friendly team members to learn more about your options.

To find out exactly how much you can expect the treatment to cost, schedule a consultation with us. We’re eager to help you achieve a straighter smile!

Invisalign FAQs

Many older teens and adults are hesitant to undergo orthodontic treatment because they want to avoid the hassle of metal wires and brackets. Luckily, Invisalign is a discreet and more comfortable alternative that allows patients to get the straight smile they’ve always wanted in record time. Since it’s truly a unique process, it’s completely normal to have a few concerns before starting your journey. To help you out, our team at Premier Family Dental has decided to answer some frequently asked questions about this modern orthodontic treatment.


Invisalign aligners are designed with smooth, transparent plastic. Although they’re noticeable outside of the mouth, they’re virtually invisible when they’re being worn! You must take proper care of plastic trays to keep them clean, clear, and discreet. It’s worth noting that some patients need additional attachments or elastics to ensure successful treatment. Since these accessories are not made of clear plastic, they’re typically more visible than the rest of the aligners.


The smooth plastic design of Invisalign’s aligners makes it one of the most comfortable orthodontic treatment options available. Of course, there will be an adjustment period when you first get Invisalign. You may experience mild soreness and irritation, but it should go away as soon as you get used to the aligners. Keep in mind that the plastic trays work by moving one portion of your smile at a time until the entire thing is aligned. That means you may experience a small amount of pressure each time you advance to the next set of aligners. However, you can easily manage your discomfort by taking over-the-counter pain medication as needed and using a cold compress. 


At your last orthodontic appointment, our team will make sure your teeth are in their ideal position before providing you with post-treatment instructions. Once you finish Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to wear a retainer to preserve your hard-earned results. In most cases, you’ll be allowed to choose between wire retainers and smooth plastic ones that look similar to Invisalign. The exact amount of time you’ll need to wear your retainer will depend on your specific needs. Generally, you’ll start by wearing it full-time before gradually decreasing to only wearing it at night. 


Since Invisalign is completely removable, you can simply take your aligners out when it’s time to eat. Eating with plastic trays in your mouth will not only damage them but place unnecessary pressure on your teeth. That said, you should always remove your aligners and store them in a safe place when you’re eating or drinking anything that’s not water.