New Year, Better Oral Health: 4 Dental Resolutions

December 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 4:01 pm
a person making a list titled "2024 Goals"

The New Year is the perfect time to refresh your life goals and reflect on what you would like to change. Whether that’s how you respond to certain situations, your diet and exercise, or your dental health. Very few people set resolutions having to do with their oral health because they aren’t aware of just how much common issues like gum disease and cavities can impact your overall wellbeing. However, maintaining a healthy, problem-free smile is not only going to help you save money from unexpected dental visits, but also improve your overall wellness. Read on for four dental-related resolutions you can implement in 2024.

Brush for a Full Two Minutes, Twice a Day

The American Dental Association, as well as dentists everywhere, recommend brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes to prevent the development of harmful dental health concerns, like gum disease and cavities.

Maybe you have a late night and decide to skip brushing your teeth or you’re on the verge of being late for work or school and skip a morning brush. These moments can add up, contributing to the accumulation of harmful oral bacteria and tartar in the mouth. This year, be diligent about brushing twice a day for two minutes, being sure to not miss a single session!

Floss at Least Once Every Day

A survey conducted by the American Dental Association showed that less than half of adults floss daily, despite this being recommended in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. If you’re guilty of skipping out on flossing regularly, make an important change in 2024 by doing it at least once a day. Investing in more convenient flossing methods, like a water flosser or flossing picks, can help you stay on-track with your goal in the new year.

Curb Bad Oral Habits like Smoking & Drinking

If you drink excessive amounts of alcohol or use tobacco products, taking the first steps towards quitting can be an incredibly big hurdle to clear. 2024 is a year of change, so start your journey towards improving your oral and overall health by cutting back and making small, physician-consulted changes in your life. You can also consult helpful resources like the CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to get you started.

See Your Dentist for Your Regular Cleanings

If you have dental insurance, you should take full advantage of your 100%-covered services this year by scheduling your two bi-annual checkups and cleanings with your dentist. During these visits, your dental team will examine your mouth for early signs of oral health concerns and stop them from progressing into more serious problems. They’ll also thoroughly clear away all plaque and tartar from your smile, minimizing bacteria and preventing the development of cavities and gum disease.

About the Practice

At Premier Family Dental, Drs. Rick Cofer and Ryan McNutt have collective years of experience and knowledge that they’re happy to share with our patients and team. Our patient-first approach to care helps everyone feel right at home in the treatment chair, and our team’s wide breadth of training allows us to offer a comprehensive menu of services under one convenient roof. For questions or to schedule an appointment, visit Premier Family Dental’s website or call 254-732-0309.

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