Don’t Let Gum Disease Get Out of Hand

October 10, 2014

177046733You are smart, driven, capable and incredibly busy. You diligently balance work and family responsibilities every day, and even manage to find time to have a little fun. Yet, like most of us, there is still one area of your life where you find it difficult to be proactive. If you haven’t been to the dentist lately, it’s time to take action. If you have ever discovered blood while brushing or flossing your teeth then you could already have the gum disease, gingivitis. You may have heard of gingivitis in mouthwash or toothpaste commercials, but dentists know it as the silent menace that, if left untreated, can literally ruin your good health. You can’t afford to procrastinate when it comes to your health. Gum disease can be treated and even reversed, but only if it’s caught in the early stages of development. Make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental today to get the gum disease treatment you need. Dr. Cofer and his experienced team at Premier Family Dental proudly serve patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding communities.

You May Already Have Gum Disease If:

  • You suffer from chronic bad breath
  • Your gums appear red or swollen
  • Your gums are tender or bleeding when you brush your teeth
  • It’s painful to chew certain foods
  • You have loose teeth
  • You have extremely sensitive teeth
  • Your gums appear to be receding or your teeth appear longer

Gum Disease Treatment in Waco, TX

The good news is that there are many effective gum disease treatments available today. The dentist can start with a deep cleaning, known as scaling and root planning, to get rid of the plaque and tartar buildup around your gum line that causes gingivitis. However, if your gum disease has been allowed to advance into the periodontitis stage, more invasive procedures may be necessary to save your teeth. This can include the need for flap surgery or bone and tissue grafts to repair long term gum disease damage. Don’t let gum disease get out of hand. Be proactive and make an appointment to see Dr. Cofer at Premier Family Dental. Dr. Cofer will assess your unique situation and find the periodontal treatment plan that works best for you. The team at Premier Family Dental proudly serves patients throughout Waco, TX, Robinson, Lorena, and surrounding cities.

Which Toothpastes Are Best?

August 20, 2014

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , , , , — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 3:33 pm

shutterstock_72848476Simple actions such as brushing and flossing your teeth on a daily basis are excellent ways in making sure your smile is as healthy as it can be. Many people do not realize that brushing and flossing your teeth every day not only take care of your oral health, but the health of your entire body as well. When you walk down the oral care aisle, there are so many options to choose from that you may feel overwhelmed. Choosing the right toothpaste for you may seem like an easy enough task, but it can really take some thought in order to make sure all of your oral care needs are properly met. Dr. Rick Cofer wants his patients to be as informed as possible when choosing a toothpaste as to achieve oral health success.

A very important aspect to look for when choosing a good toothpaste is making sure that the toothpaste has fluoride. Fluoride is a natural mineral that strengthens your teeth as well as attracts other minerals, all contributing to a healthier, stronger smile. Fluoride also prevents dental decay, cavities being an example. Acid is released when the bacteria in your smile feed off of the sugars and starches left behind after you eat and drink, and fluoride is an excellent way to fight that acid.

Another thing to look for is making sure the toothpaste has tartar control. Tartar is hardened plaque, and, if left to its own devices, puts you at a higher risk of gum disease and other oral decay. Some tartar control toothpastes contain Triclosan, which is an antibiotic that kills bacteria that live in your mouth. One of the most important things to look for is a toothpaste that is ADA approved. Keeping these few tips in mind, you are sure to experience better oral and bodily health!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Have A Healthy Smile for Summer with Regular Checkups

July 7, 2014

shutterstock_149625803Now that summer is here, it is important to make sure your smile is as healthy as possible. There is no doubt you will be meeting tons of new people and reconnecting with old friends this summer season, and many think it is important to make sure their smile is in tip top shape. Many people consider a smile a first impression, and when you are not secure in your smile, you may find it difficult to really make a lasting impression on people. Dr. Rick Cofer loves teaching his patients about the importance of regular dental checkups, and he is able to give his patients the healthiest smile possible with dental checkups.

One of the first things involved in a dental checkup is a deep cleaning. We will inspect your entire mouth to make sure there are no signs of decay. We will remove anything that could be damaging to your smile, such as bacteria, plaque, tartar, and etcetera. Dr. Cofer will also check your mouth for any signs of gum disease, tackling the issue immediately should he find anything. When gum disease is left untreated, it has the potential to lead to more severe effects on the body, such as heart disease, dementia, and stroke.

Dr. Cofer is also able to take care of your entire family, even the youngest of members! Dr. Cofer pays special attention to his younger patients, knowing that a visit to the dentist is not necessarily the most fun experience for them. The entire Premier Family Dental team makes a special effort in making your little one feel as comfortable as possible at our office. We protect their smiles with the use of fluoride treatments and dental sealants, and we will be able to teach them proper oral care for the healthiest smile possible! A solid oral care routine starts at an early age, and we cannot wait to show your little one the dos and don’ts of a beautiful smile!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

How Chewing Gum Can Help Your Smile

shutterstock_61386697There are many habits that people have that they perform without even thinking about it. Biting nails, playing with hair- both of these are examples of habits people do unconsciously. Another habit may be chewing gum. Chewing gum is a simple yet effective habit that can ease your stress, keep you occupied, or simply cure a simple sweet tooth. What you may not know, however, is that chewing gum could be good for your teeth!

Since ancient times, the Greeks, Mayans, and Native Americans all enjoyed in some form of gum chewing, and today in the 21st century, we are no different. With so many options of chewable delights to choose from, sometimes the options can be overwhelming, but they all work to deliver a healthier smile. Chewing gum increases the production of saliva in your mouth, and that increase can neutralize and eliminate the acids and leftover food particles in your mouth after you eat. This also leads to a lower risk of plaque and tartar buildup, as the bacteria will not have enough time to stay in your mouth and attach themselves to your teeth.

Also, chewing gum, along with the increased saliva production, carries more calcium and phosphate, both of which help build stronger tooth enamel, meaning a healthier smile. Studies have shown that chewing gum for at least twenty minutes after eating a meal helps prevent tooth decay, which can really make a difference down the road in regards to your smile.

So the next time you put a piece of gum in your mouth, you will be able to relish in the fact that it is doing wonders for your smile! Be sure to get a gum that is sugar free, as we do not want to ruin your beautiful smile with harmful sugars!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Tips and Tricks on How To Handle Your Bad Breath

June 3, 2014

shutterstock_143991970With summer making its bright, warm way into our lives, the world of laying by the pool and having outdoor barbeques are rapidly approaching. Celebrating summer means being surrounded by your closes friends and family, meaning people are getting their beach bodies ready and their refreshments cold. With all of the people you will encounter, it is very important you are healthy from the inside out, including your smile! Having fresh breath is an awesome way of making a first impression, and if you suffer from bad breath, also known as halitosis, you may find it difficult to be confident in yourself. The people at Premier Family Dental are able to give you some insight as to what causes halitosis, and some ways of fixing the issue.

One of the causes for halitosis is not brushing and flossing your teeth every day. Food particles get stick between your teeth, and if they are left to sit, it causes bacteria growth. An antibacterial mouthwash is a good way of reducing these bacteria, as well as making sure you brush and floss your teeth every day. Also, smoking and/or chewing tobacco-based products causes bad breath, as well as stains your teeth, irritates your gums, and lessens your ability to taste and enjoy your favorite foods. Some of the signs of halitosis are an unrelenting bad taste in your mouth, severe dry mouth, and ill fitting dental appliances.

A few of the ways you can keep you halitosis under control is by practicing good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing your teeth daily. Also, seeing your dentist regularly, stopping smoking and using other tobacco-based produces, keeping a record of the kinds of food you eat, and drinking a lot of water are all sure ways you can be sure you have the freshest breath to celebrate the summer !

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

We Can Help You Understand Your Dental Benefits

May 30, 2014

With over 20 companies in Waco, we more than likely take your insurance plan. We also understand that being able to decipher the ins and outs of insurance can be daunting, which is why are here ready and able to help you comprehend how you can utilize your benefits.

What many people may not know is that dental care is more about prevention than anything. Preventative dental care includes checkups, x rays, cleanings, and etcetera, all making sure your smile is the healthiest it can be from the inside out. In many cases, if you are in need of a crown, bridge, or dental implant, dental plans are able to help with the cost. All you would need to do is set up a free consultation with our insurance coordinator, and they will be able to tell you how you can take full advantage of your dental benefits plan.

Another large part of our cusses is the fact that we are so conveniently located. Off of I-135 and Highway 6, we are open five days a week, all to ensure that your smile gets the attention it needs. If you have any questions about your dental benefits and would like our help, never hesitate to call our office. We would love to get you on the fast track of having a beautiful, healthy smile!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

We Can Help with Your Dental Insurance

May 16, 2014

Everyone at Premier Family Dental understands that finding dental insurance can be an extremely daunting task. When you or your employer finally finds that amazing, high quality dental care, which is where the team at Premier Family Dental comes in.

We accept dental insurance from nine out of the ten major employers in Waco. Because we know that dealing with insurance can be not the best experience, we are happy to take care of all of your required paperwork. Our main goal is to make such an experience easy and convenient, so that you, our patient, is well taken care of.

Some of our best patients refer their coworkers to us from places L-3 Communications, Mars Chocolate, and the City of Waco. We more than likely take your company’s insurance plan, which is half of the battle in ensuring your smile is healthy and beautiful. Dr. Cofer and his wife, Andrea, along with our amazingly talented team make it a top priority to make sure you are treated like family every single time you come and visit our office. We want to make sure you come back to our practice, not solely because we accept your dental insurance, but because we have given you an experienced that cannot be matched by any other dental practice.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Premier Family Dental and Your Insurance

March 21, 2014

shutterstock_75923536It is estimated that over 64 million Americans have periodontal disease. Although it is a startling realization, it is the unfortunate truth. What can be even more frustrating is when you discover your dental practice does not accept the insurance you have. At Premier Family Dental, we are proud to accept many forms of insurance and payment plans to make our patients’ lives easier!

Our practice accepts many of the major insurances, including GEHA, United Healthcare, and United Corncordia. More than likely, you will have no problem with us accepting your insurance. Also, if you do not see your insurance listed, you are more than welcome to send us a question on our financial options page!

We also accept CareCredit and Springleaf, both companies able to help you get the dental work you need done while working with you and your financial needs. Also, in order to help your appointment and entire experience go as smoothly as possible, we will file your dental insurance claims for you!  Either way, our main goal at Premier Family Dental is that your experience is second to none!

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena, and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Back to School Dental Checkups

August 29, 2013

dental checkupFall is quickly approaching, and your children are heading back to school. Now is the perfect time to come see us for your child’s regular dental checkup. At Premier Family Dental, we recommend that all of our patients visit us twice a year for their dental checkup, no matter what your age is.

Dental checkups are an important part of preventative dental care. Our staff will clean and examine your child’s teeth and gums for signs of disease or decay. We will also make sure they’re learning and practicing proper brushing and flossing techniques. Also, we will make sure your child’s teeth are developing properly and use fluoride treatments and sealants to help provide extra protection against decay and cavities. The earlier you get your child into the good habit of having a regular dental checkup, the better their oral health will be going forwards.

Back to school is a great time to schedule your child’s dental checkup. The start of a school year is a very busy time, so scheduling an appointment now before everything is in full swing will make your life a little easier. Make sure your kids are starting the school year right with a clean, healthy smile by bringing them in for their regular dental checkup.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Premier Family Dental: A Full-Service Dental Practice

July 29, 2013

Have you ever gone to the dentist only to be referred to yet another dental professional to complete your dental treatments? At Premier Family Dental, this isn’t the case. We are a full-service dental practice and can perform all of the dental work your smile needs.

At our office, you won’t be referred to specialists for certain procedures. As a full-our-services dental practice we offer a variety of dental our-services all from the convenience of our Waco dental office. This will save you the time and hassle of finding a specialist you trust to perform certain specialized procedures.

Many times, patients will be referred to an oral surgeon for their dental implants. Dr. Cofer, Jr. has 192 hours of study in the field of dental implants, and is very experienced at placing the implants. This will make the procedure simpler and go more smoothly.

Also, many times patients in need of a root canal will be sent to an endodontist. We can complete your root canal therapy here in our office, making it simpler to alleviate the discomfort and restore function to your infected tooth. You’ve already taken the time to find a dentist that you trust, so why start over just for this service?

We are a full-service dental practice and are here to meet all your smile needs. Give us a call to schedule your next appointment and see for yourself how convenient a full-service dental practice is in our busy lives.

Premier Family Dental provides quality dental care from our Waco dental office because we truly believe in the power of a beautiful smile. We serve patients from Robinson, Lorena and the Central Texas area. Call us today to schedule your appointment!

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