Is Dental Sedation During Pregnancy Safe?

May 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Rick Cofer @ 10:59 am
A dentist treating a pregnant dental patient

Naturally, you need regular dental care even if you’re pregnant. Your teeth and gums will suffer otherwise. That said, what if you’re also afraid of the dentist? You might wonder whether dental sedation during pregnancy is safe. Well, the answer to that question can vary; it often depends on a patient’s health history. To learn more, let your Waco dental practice explain. Here’s a summary of sedation dentistry, its safety for pregnant patients, and why to talk to your local sedation dentist.

Some Context: What is Sedation Dentistry?

Put simply, sedation dentistry uses medication to calm patients for dental work. It normally comes in three types: nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, and IV sedation.

Most of the time, sedation dentistry is meant to help those with dental anxiety. After all, calmer patients can receive smoother, more comfortable care. A treating dentist also works more effectively when you maintain a relaxed response.

Still, sedation dentistry does have other benefits. The option can, for example, help patients bear with a lengthy treatment. It’s also good at dulling your sense of pain and weakening a strong gag reflex.

Is Sedation Safe During Pregnancy?

There’s an ongoing debate over whether dental sedatives are safe during pregnancy. In fact, current evidence points to both “yes” and “no” answers.

On the one hand, being pregnant doesn’t necessarily make sedation unsafe. A 2015 study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association has said as much. More specifically, it concluded that there’s no evidence anesthesia causes harm during pregnancy.

On the other hand, sedation is risky if a pregnant person has certain health issues. For example, pregnancy can create lung problems that worsen under a sedative. A pregnant patient who’s also diabetic or hypertensive could even have sedation complications.

Talk to Your Local Sedation Dentist

Try to discuss any pregnancy-related sedative concerns with your local dentist. They’ll be able to confirm whether sedation dentistry is safe for you.

You see, a dentist will learn your health history during the initial consultation visit. That means they’ll know of your pregnancy and other conditions you may have. With that knowledge, they can determine whether sedation drugs might cause possible side effects.

Ultimately, you should be cautious about sedation during pregnancy. Bring up the matter with your dental provider to get your needed care!

About the Practice

Premier Family Dental is based in Waco, TX. Led by Drs. Cofer and McNutt, our practice has provided exceptional dental care for over 25 years. Even now, we continue to offer top-quality preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency smile procedures. We’re even equipped to handle any and all of your dental sedation needs! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (254)-732-0309.

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